Monday, September 1, 2008

Healthy Living

This weekend Emily embarked on potentially the most critical part of her cancer recovery. She enrolled in a program at the Hippocrates Institute in Florida that focuses on detoxifying the body and making choices that promote healthy living. It is a 3 week program that teaches nutrition with an enzyme rich and organically grown diet that is primarily vegan. They also learn the benefits of juicing and using the powers of wheatgrass. There is massage available and exercise classes, among many other homeopathic treatments. More information on the center can be found at for those of you who are looking for more details.

Emily chose this center after reading the book "Crazy Sexy Cancer" by Kris Carr. She had an inoperable form of cancer and tried any and all forms of treatment. The one thing that completely stopped the rapid spread of her cancer was her trip to Hippocrates. Technically Emily is cancer free, but she wants to create an environment in her body where cancer cannot grow again. Hopefully this route will prove successful for her!

We talked to her on Sunday and she was all settled in at the Institute. Unfortunately, Hurricane Hannah is bearing down on them so she says it is incredibly windy and so humid that it feels like a jungle. Hurricane Gustav isn't helping matters either. :) Despite the weather, we hope this will be a life affirming and invigorating experience for her and we can't wait to hear (and hopefully benefit from) all of the things she will learn in the next 3 weeks. Enjoy yourself, Em! We miss you already.

1 comment:

Randels Family said...

I am so happy to hear Emily has done this! I wish her all kinds of success. Making a drastic change in lifeswtyle takes hard work. We are rooting for you, Emily! I heard someone on Oprah who has done something similar with her diet and she is doing well. (Maybe she is the one who wrote the book??)I hope that Emily is planning to share what she learns that we can all incorporate in our diet. We all need to make better choices in our eating habits.
