Friday, August 8, 2008

The Road to Recovery

After weeks of medical drama, things are finally starting to wind down for Emily. The leaking of the chemo into her tissue has caused complications with the healing process from the port removal surgery. As it turns out, there was some serious tissue necrosis around her port and after the surgery, her incision reopened. Now she has a perfectly round hole in the middle of her incision that is completely void of any tissue - it was dissolved by the chemo. It looks like she was stabbed with a pen! You can actually see all the way down to her muscle. Apparently the wound will heal, though much more slowly and much uglier than planned. Her plastic surgeon will have to do additional surgery on the affected area to remove all of the scar tissue that will fill the hole in the coming months, then he will sew it all up to create a less vivid scar.

One good thing to come out of all of this chaos is that Emily is now done with chemo. Wahoo!!!! That is the best news she could have received! Now she just has to get through a couple more surgeries and then we can finally put this all behind us. Keep your fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

Em, so sorry you had to go through all that mess, due to chemo leaking. Hope it all heals up well. Three cheers for being done with chemo! The road to recovery is getting shorter and shorter. Before long you will be done and back to your normal life. Hurray
and ever onward!
Love you lots,

The one and only Tree said...

Woo hoo! We should have a party!! Best of luck with your upcoming surgeries. You are in my prayers.

Liz and Steve said...

Emily, you are soooooo tough!! Keep up your strength and positive thoughts. We are pulling for you and hope all this "Crap" (excuse my French.....but I think it's time!) behind us! We love you and all we can say is we admire you and you are one very, VERY touch nut!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay strong!!!! love, love