Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time Management

I've had quite a few inquiries about what else Em is doing at the Hippocrates Institute, besides learning about a raw food diet. She says she is busy from 7 am until 7 pm with treatments, seminars and lectures. She sent me a list of the different treatments she has tried or plans to try before she leaves so I thought I'd post it for those who are interested. Some of them sound a little out there, but if they work and she is cancer free for a lifetime, it is totally worth the time!

H-Wave Therapy - Induces dynamic muscle contractions to increase blood flow and lymph drainage

Viofor - Electromagnetic stimulation to speed up the bodies natural healing processes

Theragem - Uses a blend of wave frequency, color, light and crystalline energy to rebalance the body (they use actual gemstones... my last one was with rubies and emeralds!)

Ondamed - Biofeedback device that finds modulated electromagnetic frequencies to encourage a return to homeostasis

Infrared Therapy while on Oxygen - Slowly heats the body above 98.6 degrees to stimulate immune system & improve metabolic function. Done while breathing pure oxygen (Oxygen depleted cells are a big factor in cancer, so a lot of my therapies are done while breathing pure oxygen to re-oxygenate my body)

Aqua Chi Detox w/ Lymph Drainage while on Oxygen - I don't have a brochure on this one, but basically I lay on a bed that jiggles me around to stimulate my lymph system, then I soak my feet in a tub that has some sort of machine in it that creates a pulse that helps pulls toxins out of my feet. The water changes colors depending on what areas of the body are being drained. My tub water went crazy, changing colors every couple minutes. The girl next to me who has very advanced cancer and is very sick, had hardly any color changes at all. Apparently my body is very happy to release it's yucky stuff!

Massage, Reiki, Colonics, Breathing exercises, Oriental Health exercises & Chi Gong (which is similar to Tai Chi) are a couple other things I have done/plan to do.

I'm also doing vitamin and mineral therapies... I don't think an explanation is required there!

I've asked Em to send a list of some of the different lectures she has been to as well. I think the whole program is fascinating!

1 comment:

Branden Mayo said...

This place sounds AMAZING!!!