Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

After Emily's last radiation treatment, she received this certificate of completion.  I thought it was very clever and uplifting so here it is for all to see.  You can click on the image to make it bigger.

Friday, March 6, 2009


After 4 1/2 weeks of daily radiation, Emily is officially a crispy critter. The areas around her collar bone and under her arm are such a deep, angry red that it seems almost purple.  She is also blistering and peeling at the same time.  Since she is so dramatically burned, her doctor has given her this week off from treatment and they are hoping to finish the last 7 sessions starting next week.

We have no information as to the next course of treatment once radiation is complete.  Let's all keep our fingers crossed that this is it and she can get back to business as usual!