Sunday, July 13, 2008

Her Best Friend's Wedding

Emily embarked on her first major outing since last fall. Her friend Angie was getting married in Utah and she was going to make it to that wedding no matter what. When she first found out she was going to have to start chemo all over again, she mapped out her treatment schedule. She wanted to make sure that on the weekend of July 4th, she would be feeling good enough to travel. Armed with this information, she chose her start date. Sure enough, she was on the upswing and felt fine for the trip. She was gone for less than 48 hours and she was exhausted when she got home, but it was worth every minute to be with her best friend on her wedding day. Congratulations, Angie and Dave! Best wishes for a long and happy life together!

It was right back to reality this week, however. Emily had her 4th chemo treatment and she commented that this one has hit her harder than the first three. Hopefully by Wednesday she will be feeling normal again so she can get back to work with ease. Two more treatments to go!


Liz and Steve said...

Thanks for the update. We've been thinking alot about Emily lately. I'm glad she was able to go to her friend's wedding!!! Hang in there, Em!!

Angie said...

Words can't express how much it meant to have you there... I mean, that's not the ONLY reason I looked so happy, but it was ONE of them. :)