Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bye Bye Port

Emily is out of surgery and things went well. They didn't actually start her procedure until after 4:00 so she spent most of today hungry and bored in her hospital room. Her surgeon told us that she did find an infection around her port and wished she had done the surgery on Sunday. Either way, the port is out and we can begin moving forward again. She gets a week to recover before she has her next chemo appointment, which puts her one week behind her original schedule.

Speedy recovery, Em!


Liz and Steve said...

Thanks for the updates. I've been checking daily! Again, hang in there Emily!!!! Love you loads =)

Anonymous said...

Sending all good wishes your way, Em. Hope you heal up quickly and feel more comfortable without the port. Sorry you've had to go through so much. Surely things will
only get better from here.
Love to you,
(aka The Porter Family)