Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Acupuncture and Accessories

Emily has taken a new naturopathic course in her cancer recovery. She visited an acupuncturist last week and had a treatment that has really helped her feel better physically and mentally. They put three pins in her wrists and ankles and one in the middle of her forehead. The acupuncturist said that some people start to feel relaxed right away but Em was too concerned about the reality of having needles sticking out of her body to relax immediately. By that evening, she was bright and cheerful and feeling good. They also gave her suggestions on supplements to take that would ease some of her other woes. Among other things, they suggested drinking about 4 cups of green tea each day. She has been following all of the recommendations and really notices a difference in how she feels.

Another bit of good news comes in the form of vanity. Emily's hair is starting to grow back! She even had enough hair to clip in one of our beautiful barrettes. It took a few tries but she managed to get it in her hair to stay. Unfortunately, when she tried to unclip it, she lost one of her precious new hairs! The doctors told her that there was a possibility she wouldn't lose her hair with this new chemo drug and so far, that seems to be the case. Let's all cross our fingers that her beautiful hair continues to grow and flourish!

Thursday marks her third chemo treatment, leaving only three more to go. Once again, we find ourselves at the halfway point. Yay!


Will said...

Well, I knew you were going to have more hair than I do eventually, but I didn't know it was going to be this soon! I'm glad to hear that acupuncture and truckloads of green tea are helping you feel better.
Also: Woohoo! on halfway there!

Anonymous said...

All right, Em!!! Hair Grows in Vancouver! You'll have the perfect hairstyle for the summer, and I'm sure you will start a barrette trend with Kate & Jocie.
Glad acupuncture is making you feel better. I have heard often that it is very helpful. You continue to amaze me with your courage, open-ness to new methods of treatment, staying power, and determination, as you make your way through this challenging period in your life. Rock on, Em!
Lots of love,

Branden Mayo said...

Yummmm...Green tea is my favorite...with honey and soy milk!

Locks of Love to Em and her new growths...~B