Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Relay for Life Pictures

The Relay for Life was a huge success! Dad managed to stay the entire 24 hours, arriving at 10 am on Saturday and leaving after 10 am on Sunday. His relay shift was from midnight until 5 am and he estimates that he walked at least 13 miles during that time. He also raised $851 for the American Cancer Society. Way to go, Dad! Special thanks goes out to Cemex for sponsoring the team - this was an emotional and inspirational day for our family.


Emily said...

Great job on the slide show, Lis! I'm not a fan of the bag decorating picture, though... :)

Anonymous said...

I love this perspective of the relay that includes the girls and the luminary bag prep. K & J had a big day running all over that track in the hot sun. Thanks for putting this together for us, Lisa. You did a wonderful job creating this slide show and gathering/purchasing all the decorations for the bags. What we do without you!

Will said...

I keep not knowing what to say about this. Great job on everything, guys. From John's 24 hours to Em's smile and Cancer Sucks button to Earl's video to Lisa's slideshow to just everyone who participated, you're all fantastic. I love you guys!