Friday, November 21, 2008

Test Results

Emily's PET scan and MRI came back clear.  The cancer cells seem to be confined to the lymph nodes in her armpit and it looks like they are the same type of cells as before.  Since her cancer seems to be biologically resistant to chemo, they are sending some of her tissue to a company that tests for drug resistance.  This will help them identify what drugs, if any, would have the best chance of killing this thing. In the meantime, her doctor is recommending surgery to remove the affected nodes, followed by radiation.  It doesn't look like chemo is going to be involved this time around, which is great.  Emily is planning to meet with several different doctors and specialists and research any and all treatment options available so she can make an informed decision about how to proceed.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Thank goodness for a break! I'm so relieved that the PET scan and MRI came back clear, Em. That is some good news. You are so great about researching and making informed decisions about your care,
I have strong hope that this will all turn out well. Keep the faith, Baby -- you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Lots of love,

The one and only Tree said...

Thanks for the update Lisa.

I am so thankful that the tests came back as good as they could. You are always in my prayers.

Hugs and squeezes!

Kelly said...

Hang in there Em.