Monday, November 17, 2008

Chapter Three

I have been planning to write a final blog post that would sum up the year that Emily has endured, complete with an optimistic view of the future.  Unfortunately, instead of closing the book on cancer, we have just started chapter three.  Last week, Em went to her oncologist for a routine 3 month follow up appointment and her doctor felt an unusually large lymph node in her armpit.  She went immediately in for an ultrasound and biopsy and was told that there were 3 nodes that were large and misshapen.  The biopsy report came back today and, once again, it is cancer.  So far that is all of the information that we have.  She goes in for yet another full body scan on Thursday morning and will hopefully have the results by the end of the week.

The nightmare continues.


Randels Family said...

I am so sorry to hear this news. Thanks, Lisa, for keeping us informed. Emily, you are in our thoughts. We wish you the very best for tomorrow.

Randels Family said...

Whoops, got the date for the scan wrong. We will be thinking of you on Thursday.

The one and only Tree said...

Oh baby...I am so sorry to hear the news. I will definitely keep you in my prayers.


Kelly said...

Sending you all big love and lots of positive energy. Please let me know if I can do anything else.

Erin said...

I'll be thinking of you Thursday as well and hoping like crazy the scan doesn't bring back any more bad news. Lisa, thanks so much for keeping us all aware of what is happening. Thinking of you all.

Liz and Steve said...

We will be thinking of you Thursday and hoping like HELL (excuse me) that you don't get back a bad result! Thanks, Lisa, for the update and please, PLEASE let us all know how things go!!! Anything we can do to help, just call!!! Lots of love!