Friday, October 3, 2008

Good health

Emily has been home from Hippocrates for nearly two weeks and has jumped back into real life with surprising ease.  She is back to work full time, exercising and eating a mostly raw and vegan diet.  She and my dad have been working hard setting up a wheatgrass grow operation in their kitchen and they are juicing together and making vegetable smoothies.  She is cheerful and full of hope for the future.  

When she first arrived at Hippocrates, they did a blood test and then repeated it the day before she went home.  There was a huge change in her blood composition in the three weeks that she spent working on her health.  Her red blood cells were all clumped together initially, which is a common side effect of chemo.  When she left, both her red and white blood cells were separated and plump and moving around easily.  She lowered the amount of yeast and sugar in her bloodstream dramatically, which is good news because cancer feeds on sugar.  Her cholesterol was way down and she lost 10 lbs!!  What a difference.  :)  

As far as she is concerned, cancer is behind her.  Her next surgery is scheduled for October 30th and she is only supposed to be down for a couple of days.  I won't be blogging until her next surgery because there is not much more to say!  Congratulations, Em - we are glad that you are cancer free and healthy as a horse!!


Liz and Steve said...

This is all such GREAT news! Good for you Emily. It's been an incredibly LONG haul and you made it through!!!!! It sounds like you and John have a good buddy system going on w/the foods and all. Hats off to both of you!!!!

Will said...

Yay! Welcome home, Em. Glad you're feeling good and your blood cells are plump!
I hope the neighbors don't get the wrong idea about your 'wheatgrass' growing operation. Answering the door to the police is no fun.

Anonymous said...

Hurray, Emily! Glad you're home,
feeling good, and resuming your regular schedule. You are to be commended for the courage and positive attitude with which you faced the past year. 10 pounds gone,wow, I'm envious. I wish you great health and good things from now on.
Love ya,

Branden Mayo said...

Hey! As always an inspiration...I tried raw asparagus after reading about your adventures at the institute and I have to say, I love it more than cooked!

I'm still eating my oatmeal with tons of brown sugar and butter, but tomorrow I promise I'll have raw fruit for breakfast and think of you! Congratulations, EM! ~Branden

Kelly said...

That sounds wonderful Em. I'm really interested in hearing more about your experience in Florida the next time I see you. Lisa, thanks for keeping us posted. Hope all is well.