Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A little bit of normalcy

Emily has decided to go back to work! Her company is allowing her to work 15 hours per week so she can get back into the swing of things during this round of chemo. She will take 6 days to recuperate from her treatment, then work 3 days, have the weekend off and work another 3 days before she has another round. It seems like a very reasonable schedule to jump back into her regular routine. Monday was her first day back and things went smoothly, though she felt unbearably tired when she got home.

The side effects of this particular regimen are a little different than the first time but no matter how we look at it, it still sucks. She describes the feeling as more flu-like this time around, with nausea, fatigue and body aches. She finds that she feels nearly normal a week after treatment. Her next treatment is Thursday and she will be 2 down and 4 to go!


Branden Mayo said...

Always a trooper, Em! Thanks for the updates, Lisa!

Sandy Randels said...


Earl and Liz helped me figure out how to leave comments. Finally, I can say something!

Congrats on getting some normalcy back. We do think of you alot.


Unknown said...

As one of Emily's cowokers, I would just like to say that it is not a matter of us allowing her to come back part time as much as it is we NEED every second of time she can give us! We miss her!!
