Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Round Two!

Emily has had a few weeks to recover from surgery and she starts chemo again on Thursday morning. She made the decision to switch to a new oncologist for this round and this guy is rumored to be the top oncologist in this area for breast cancer. He has recommended a chemo regimen of Gem-Carbo, which is considered the "gold standard" for triple negative cancer. She will have 6 treatments, one every two weeks. Supposedly, the side effects of this drug combination are not as bad and definitely not as toxic to her vital organs. Let's hope this round is less debilitating than the last!


The one and only Tree said...

Best of luck today Em! You are in my prayers!

Amanda said...

Hey Em!

Good Luck! I can't wait until this is over for you. Hang in there!


Liz and Steve said...

I don't know what to say but "gooooo Emily" Haven't we done this before? Best of luck to you with this new chemo......let's just hope the side effects and outcome are the best for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love, love

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Em through this recovery. I think about you everyday and pray for you every night. Love you tons!


Branden Mayo said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Emily,
I am thinking about you! Stay strong :)
Miss you, love you - Donovan