Chemo day has finally arrived. As promised, here is a photo of Em's new haircut. This was taken as her first chemo treatment was administered. Doesn't she look comfortable and surprisingly happy? Her first comment to me was that chemo wasn't as scary as she thought and she was feeling a little weird, but not bad. Apparently she felt a little bit dizzy and tired but has experienced no nausea yet. Her doctor has prescribed five, yes FIVE, different anti-nausea medications to be taken at different times during the chemo cycle. Supposedly the unpleasant side effects start a couple of days after the chemo treatment and only last a day or two. I'll let you know if that holds true.
Em had quite the busy day today. She started the morning at the nutritionist, who gave her some great tips on how to deal with her treatment. During chemo she will be a walking free radical and she shouldn't try to counteract it with any antioxidants for the first three days after a treatment. Doesn't that seem counter-intuitive? They say she should just let the chemo do its job and once it is over, THEN she can work on building her immune system back up. After that, she had her 2 hour treatment, then she went back to the breast surgeon to get her stitches out. She got the best news of the day at her last appointment. The genetic testing came back negative, which means she does NOT carry the genetic marker for breast and ovarian cancer. Three cheers for good genes! So, her cancer has no medical explanation thus far and that gives her renewed optimism that she can recover from this and move on.
I know the next question on all of our minds is about her hair. Most of the doctors and patients agree that the hair loss happens on day 17 (3 days after the second treatment.) One of the really amazing services that the hospital provides is a little store called "transitions" which specializes in gear for their breast cancer patients. They stock lots of hats and scarves and give each patient one free wig. Em looked so good in two of the wigs that the salesperson gave them both to her for free. One looks like her current haircut and the other is very similar to "Dancing with the Stars" champion Cheryl Burke's cute hairdo. Plus, she looks darn cute in all of her new hats. :)
One treatment down, seven to go!
Em, your haircut is So cute! You are truly a brave woman and you are in my prayers.
Hugs and squeezes
You really do look comfy in yourlounge chair.That is great news about the marker
I do not think I will have to wory either.
Hang in there.
Go Em! You are indeed courageous, and you are strong and will BEAT this scourge! One chemo down, seven to go. We will all be cheering you on and praying that this, too, will pass, and you will then be able to focus on rebuilding and strengthening yourself. It was so good to know that you are well taken care of during this difficult process. xoxoxox Love you! Patty and Mike
Sleeping away chemo sounds like the way to do it! Good for you. I thought of you and said a prayer as the new year rolled in. Can't wait to see the pics of the wigs!
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