Tuesday and Wednesday were packed full of doctor’s appointments. After a couple of years of visiting many different doctors with various specialties, Emily has finally found a doc who “gets it.” When she arrived in Dr. Gonzalez’s office, he already knew all about her history and was well versed on all of her treatments, past and present. He also knew all about the Hippocrates Institute and understood that program in depth. He was happy with all of the choices she has made so far and he was pleased that she was looking to enhance her treatment options. After doing extensive blood testing, he had lots of recommendations for her, including additional changes to her diet, detox and enzyme therapy. He told her numerous times that he has never seen a cancer patient whose overall health is as good as hers and he thinks she will respond well to his program. It is going to take some significant time and effort to put the program into use in her daily life, but she is certainly up for the challenge. She is excited to get started and feels a renewed sense of hope and validation that she has made the right choice in her cancer treatment.