I have been approached by numerous people, asking if there is anything they can do to help Emily as she goes through treatment. Some of our family members created Emily's Fund, which will help finance her unreimbursed medical expenses.
When we last saw our hero, she had become vegan and was living a clean and healthy lifestyle.She had never felt or looked better – even her pale skin had taken on a lovely tan hue because of the vast amounts of beta carotene in her system. Things were back to normal until late October when she was felled by the dreaded swine flu.She was back on her feet again after a few weeks, but her cough persisted until December and she was diagnosed with pneumonia.After a course of antibiotics and a brief respite from coughing, she started to have pain in her shoulder and back and her doctor suggested a chest x-ray, which showed a mass in her left lung.
Now the first thing I thought when I heard the news was “uh oh, lung cancer.”As it turns out, it isn’t technically lung cancer. It is breast cancer of the lung – weird, huh?Anyway, after her previous bad experiences with chemo, she had already made up her mind that if any cancer came back, she would not pursue chemo as a course of treatment. She has done extensive research on treatment options and she is working with her Naturopath to find a healthy alternative to the standard protocols.Currently she is doing occasional IV therapy and infrared heat therapy twice a day in an effort to shrink the mass.She will get monthly blood tests and chest x-rays to mark the progress of this therapy.
Through all of her research, she came across a doctor in New York named Nicholas Gonzalez.He was featured in the book “Knockout” as one of the doctors who is curing cancer using alternative methods. His method is aimed at treating the underlying reasons WHY the body is getting cancer and involves diet, detox and pancreatic enzyme therapy. In order to get into his program, she wrote a long and detailed letter about her past treatments and current diet regimens, and sent it off early in February.She found out last weekend that she was accepted in to his program and will be traveling to New York for a consultation near the end of March.She is very interested in this treatment plan and is looking forward to her appointment. She is also lucky enough have a few extra days built in to her trip to go meet Baby Tess!
If you are interested in reading more about the Gonzalez plan, you can check out his website at www.dr-gonzalez.com/treatment.